MARK's success story began in 1920.
Since then, we have dedicated ourselves to the company's core competency, the deep drawing of precise metal parts. We have constantly expanded our qualifications and consistently developed our processes further.

Today MARK is one of the world's leading manufacturers of deep-drawn parts with more than 500 employees at locations in Austria, Slovenia and China. Out of our history, we are driven by innovation, the ability to quickly adapt to changes and longing for highest quality. From shoe eyelets to the ski boot buckle, from the ECG electrode to e-mobility – at MARK you can find your best business partner.

Our customers are in the best hands: from development to tool construction and production, from parts cleaning to 100% control to delivery - we value the highest precision and care. Our certificates according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO TS 16949:2016 confirm our efforts and guarantee our customers the best quality.

For COMPASS project MARK will contribute by defining the needs for material related information and documentation enabling the re-use of sheet metal for second life parts. MARK will develop forming tools, processes and data acquisition and analysis in order to demonstrate the possibilities of reforming.

As a final goal MARK will show production of deep drawn parts made of reuse- material on an industrial scale accompanied by data stream of COMponent PASSport.
